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超值精選 VA - Relaxation - Sounds of the Earth - Collection 大地之音休閒系列合集 站長完整超強合輯(30首合成一片DVD-MP3)DVD版 --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: 超值精選 VA - Relaxation - Sounds of the Earth - Collection 大地之音休閒系列合集 站長完整超強合輯(30首合成一片DVD-MP3)
語文版本: MP3音樂 DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2013.01.05
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Sounds of the Earth - Collection (19CD Set)
Label: Oreade Music | 19CD | MP3 320 kbps | 2.02 GB
Genre: New Age / Environmental / Ambient

Sounds of the Earth offers pure nature sounds, no voices are added, no
music is added, no human-induced noises are heard. Sounds of the Earth bids
you welcome to the wild and the fragile sounds of nature.

Sounds of the Earth - Paradise Island

Total Time: 01:02:53

A chorus of tropical birds, including the birds of paradise,
welcomes you to this tropical island. In the distance you hear
the sound of the sea, softly surfing against the shore.

Sounds of the Earth - Soft Ocean Sounds

The soft sounds of the ocean, a slow and gentle lapping of small waves.

Part 1 - 33:26
Part 2 - 32:38
Total Time: 66:12

Sounds of the Earth - Wadden sands and seagulls

Wadden - Sands and Seagulls | 123.20 MB
1. Wadden - Sands and Seagulls - 53:50

Sounds of the Earth - Waterfall

The Waterfall CD by Sounds of the Earth will wash away unwanted sounds and
replace them with only the authentic and beautiful sounds of a waterfall.
Cool and crisp, the splashing, trickles and drips will revive and invigorate.
These authentic waterfall sounds will truly cleanse and purify your mind,
body and soul.

The Waterfall CD is part of the Sounds of the Earth series of nature sound
recordings. There is no music, no voices, and no manmade sounds. Sounds of
the Earth bids you welcome to the wild and the fragile sounds of nature.

Format: CD
Primary Artists: David Sun
Label: Oreade Music

Sounds of the Earth- Deep Into The Earth

MP3 320 Kbps CBR | Relaxaction & Meditation | 146,26MB

1. Part 1 - 31:59
2. Part 2 - 31:55

Sounds of the Earth- Dusk

Dusk Part One - 24:27
Dusk Part Two - 24:46
Total time: 49:16

The birds in the trees are preparing for the night. Their songs
are turning ever so slowly into silence. The sounds of the surf
are just audible, as the sun sets for another night.

Sounds of the Earth- Exotic Paradise

Exotic Paradise Part One - 26:10
Exotic Paradise Part Two - 26:13
Total Time: 52:23

Where has the garden gone? In which all creatures live together
and never fear. Has it ever been? Where raging waves come to a calm,
fresh waters trickle into the oceans and the wind rustles through

Sounds of the Earth- Forest

Autumn Woods - 31:17
Forest Song - 30:45
Total Time: 62:02

Forest features the joyous sound of the woods on a quiet
autumn day, with birds chirping and a friendly wind through
the leaves. A trickling stream, a quiet place to sit on a
fence and dream...

Sounds of the Earth- Hot Summer Sounds

Hot Summer Sounds Part 1 - 24:21
Hot Summer Sounds Part 2 - 24:48
Total Time: 49:09

A dusty pathway winding through fields of gold. Sheep gather in the shade
of a tree. In the distance horses whinny and all the time the sky is of a
deeper blue...

Sounds of the Earth- Morning Birds

Dawn Chorus - 24:37

With faint night time crickets and insects in the background,
a dawn chorus of birds awakes and announces the beginning of
a new day. Hear the owl hoot in the twilight, hear the wood
pigeons coo and a solo robin call the distant woodpeckers.
The woodland stirs into morning.

The forest Awakens - 24:56

A mature old forest, where the bird calls sound slightly magical
as they echo around the tall trees. Chiff chaffs and solo calls
rong through the forest.

Sounds of the Earth- Mountain Stream

Sounds of the Earth- Rainforest

Rainforest: Stillness - 25:18

The rainforest shows its quiet side. Sounds of tropical birds and
a stream, the rustling of leaves.

Rainforest: Rainfall - 24:32

The sounds of the rainforest get heavier and louder.
More birds appear and a tropical cloudburst with heavy
thunder and showers of rain passes over.

Finally leaving the rainforest with the leaves still dripping.

Total time - 49:52 minutes

Sounds of the Earth- Sea

The Sea: Calm - 24:40
The Sea: Surf - 25:10

The sea with all its sounds; from soft, rippling little waves
on the shore to the splashy breakers hitting the rocks.
On this recording the moods of the sea are captured, with each
wave playing its own role in the theatre of the sea.

Total Time: 49:52

Sounds of the Earth- Sounds of the Night

Sounds of the Night starts with the sound of evening
woodland birds and continues with the song of a
nightingale, frogs and crickets, and the call of tawny owls.

The Crisp Air after sundown makes the night sounds come out clear and
crystalline. From a backdrop of blackbirds, mistle thrushes and robins,
a nightingale emerges and sings a song to celebrate nightfall.

Evening song - 30:35
Night song - 31:16
Total time - 61:52 minutes

Sounds of the Earth- Storm

Sounds of the Earth- The Garden

It is as if you walk through a garden, painted by Monet.
Blackbird, Linnet, robin and many more birds sing their song.
And when the evening comes nearer, you hear a distant stream
and summer doves in the woodland.

Total Time: 62:49

Sounds of the Earth- Thunderstorm

Sounds of the Earth -Tropical Twilight

MP3 320 Kbps CBR | Relaxaction & Meditation | 139,60 MB

Sounds of the Earth- Woodfire


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